Saturday, October 3, 2015

October Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for the October currently. I'm a  few days late, but late is better than never .. right? 

I am addicted to cooking shows! Right now I'm listening/watching to Southern At Heart! In about an hour.. it'll be the UGA game, Go Dawgs!! **I never watched college football until I started dating my husband. He is a hardcore UGA fan and pulled me in :) **

Loving: I love cuddling up on the couch with the hubby, or in this case, the pups. It's rainy and gross here so it's a perfect day for it! 

Thinking: I sure could use a nap right now. The rain beating on the roof, being curled up in the blanket, and the dog in my lap makes me so sleepy. 

Wanting: As much as I enjoy cuddling up on the couch on these rainy days, it's been raining for a week here in NC and I am in need of some Vitamin D!! 

Needing: The reason I'm not taking a nap.. I need to finish up some Graduate School work and some work for regular school. I'm in the process of redoing my centers for math and reading. I have 1000 ideas running around in my head and need to get them out on paper to see what is going to work best! 

Boo-tiful: I recently started back at the gym and realized how much I really missed it! I love the way I feel when I finish a workout, not to mention how much better I sleep after a good day at the the gym! 

What are you up to ?!?


  1. Hi! You are so right about the gym! I do enjoy being there and you do feel a bit more relaxed afterwards!

    I'm not sure about NC but I know it's not letting up until Monday here. Weather like this is cuddling weather and sleeping weather for me. LOL

  2. I'm in the same boat with you on that graduate work! With all the other stuff going on in life, it's hard to motivate myself to get some of those things done. Thankfully I graduate this coming May, so not much more time to go! I envy your dedication to the gym - I've found I've just got too much going on to motivate myself to go right now.

    Paiges of Learning

  3. I've been cuddled up on the couch today with my computer trying to be productive!
    Enchanting Elementary
