Thursday, July 23, 2015

Five for Friday and TpT

Hey there! Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for: 

I have finally jumped off the ledge and posted my product(s) on TpT !!!! The first product was my Word Wall Header Cards that I had made for my classroom. 

I also posted an excel file I have been working on for awhile. I used the first grade version last school year to help me keep all my student data, for mClass, in one spot. It was nice being able to glance down and see who needed what. I also took this to data meetings and to planning. It is SO much easier than having to log onto the website, find the child, and then find the area you are looking for. 

This is my actual data from last year! I had all of the Exceptional Children, and most of the students who were below level coming into first grade. My teammate had a 1/2 combo class so it was only fair, or so they say. This year we will both be teaching ONLY first, so I am looking forward to it!

Just another look. Each worksheet has the grade specific benchmark outpoints at the top. Each is also set to turn red, yellow, or green based on the student data. 
If you use mClass, I know you would love to have all your data in one spot. Click below to go check it out in my store :) 

I haven't been able to get into my classroom at all this week! I have been going stir crazy sitting inside the house. However, I have been obsessing over Whole Brain Teaching! I have been reading blog post, watching periscopes and youtube videos! I am going to do my best to incorporate as much as possible this year! I think this will make a huge improvement in my classroom environment this year! I also have a few more teachers at my school on board! 

I have been packing like crazy! This weekend I leave for a 10 day vacation to my "second home" I haven't been to in over 4 years! I remember in middle school spending all summer in Missouri; having some of the best times of my life. I finally get the chance to go back for 10 days! Needless to say, I cannot wait !! 

To be completely honest, I have been so lazy this week, I have NOTHING for number 5. My couch and I have become best friends this week since I haven't been able to be at school. I'm sure my pups are loving it though! They are curled up at my feet as I type :) 


  1. Your word wall header cards are cute, I love the vibrant colors! Don't feel bad about #5, we all need those stay-at-home-couch-potato days or weeks to wind down and refresh!

  2. Several teachers at my school use Whole Brain teaching and love it. There's a lot of information out there. Good luck!
    Where the Wild Things Read

  3. Love your data chart-- so organized and visual!

    My Bright Blue House
